Saturday, November 26, 2016

Non-Commercial Art

Personal Work
"To create this dreamy blue, we used in-camera effects by mixing lights with different color temperatures."
Jiaxi & Zhe
Communication Arts
Advertising Annual 57
The photo above is interesting because it's not a large departure from some of the sculpture and product photography Jiaxi & Zhe have done for clients. What's cool though is this photo is a study in technique. It's an interesting insight into how they use color and light, as well as how they went about achieving it.
Personal Work
Owen Gent
Communication Arts
Advertising Annual 57
The subject matter seems to be consistent with his work for clients, abstract landscapes and people forms. The thing that strikes me as different is there is quite a bit of color contrast and there isn't a real defined purpose in this image. The mid-movement figure and suspended block of matching color, suggests there's been some recent turbulence of unknown cause.