Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Positive and Negative Space

Elementary Structure
Artlake Festival, Berlin
tape art mural installation
Print - Summer 2016
The positive space is an interesting mural using duct tape and reflective tape, interesting variation of color in the reflective tape is emphasized by the contrast on the installation's background but when viewed as intended by the art collective who installed it the piece becomes very interesting. The wooded area surrounding the installation is captivating because of the juxtaposition. The installation while intending to be a microscopic view of a cells structure is so unnatural with straight lines and pointed structures pop like graffiti. It's webbed design appears to resemble a computer component's structure more than it does a living cell's. Nature surrounding such a piece with sunlight playing upon the colors of the leaves and the lines on the trees and the dirt and leaves on the grounds, and variety of trees the scene seems very much alive. Without the natural details of the surrounding woods, this piece on it's own wouldn't have much a voice.